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Al Fatihah Muhammad Amirul Ashraf bi Salki 31. 3. 1994 ~ 7. 11. 2019 |
Lama rasanya kak ita tak menulis di sini, tak bertanya khabar dengan sahabat-sahabat akak di maya ini.
Hari ini kak ita cuba untuk kumpulkan kekuatan dan semangat yang ada untuk menaip setiap bait-bait ayat.. Insyaallah kak ita cuba kuatkan semangat walaupunn rasannya separuh dari nyawa dan kekuatan diri ini seakan hilang dan bersemadi bersama anak yang kak ita sayang..
Terlebih dahulu kak ita dan keluarga mengambil kesempatan yang ada ini untuk melahirkan dan merakamkan ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua sahabat-sahabat kak ita di alam maya yang telah sama-sama mendoakan agar urusan anakanda akak Amirul berjalan dengan cukup sempurna.
Alhamdulillah berkat doa kalian semua upacara pengurusan anakanda Muhammad Amirul Ashraf Bin Salki berjalan dengan cukup sempurna. Terima kasih sekali lagi atas doa kalian yang tak putus-putus buat anakanda Amirul dan juga buat kami sekeluarga.
Walaupun ada suara-suara yang berkata kenapa nak bagi tau kat media sosial..
kenapa nak viral..
sungguh bukan itu yang kak ita inginkan..
kak ita hanya ingikan doa dari sahabat-sahabat.. dan kak ita benar-benar percaya pada kuasa doa.. dan dengan doa kalian lah Ya Allah... sempurana sungguh perjalanan anakanda Amirul dari penghujung hayatnya hinggalah dia di semadikan
Terima kasih sahabat... hanya Allah jua yang dapat membalas dan memberikan gajaran pahala di atas setiap doa dari sahabat semua.
Kami sekeluarga juga megambil peluang yag ada ini untuk megucapkan jutaan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada sahabat anakanda Amirul yang berusaha sedayanya untuk membawa Amirul ke Hospital bagi mendapatkan rawatan dan meghubungi kami ibu dan ayah Amirul dengan seberapa segera.
Alhamdulillah atas usaha kalian semua dapat auntie dan uncle berjumpa dengan Amirul buat kali yang terakhir walaupun ia sudah terbujur dan hanya nafas terakhir yag masih berbaki untuk berjumpa ayah dan ibunya buat kali terakhir..
Terima kasih juga kerana atas usaha anak-anak sekalian dapat autie membisikkan kalimah sahadah di telinga Amirul.. memaafkannya.. dan meredohkan permergianya jika sememangnya itu yang telah tertulis...
Ya Allah kalaulah boleh di gantikan nyawa ku saat itu.. ingin sahaja aku mejadi galang gantinya.. tapi aku akur dengan setiap perancanganMu.. siapalah aku untuk melawan takdirmu.... mungkin sekiranya dia berada di sisi Kamu adalah lebih baik untuknya...
Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana meminjamkan anak yang sebaik ini kepada ku selama 25 tahun..
Aku bersyukur kerana kau memilih rahimku untuk mengandungkan dan melahirkannya.. walaupun sampai saat ini.. aku seakan masih tidak percaya dengan apa yang berlaku..
Aku berharap ianya hanyalah sebuah mimpi ngeri.. dan setiasa berharap setiap kali aku bangun dari tidur mimpi itu tidak ujud sama sekali...
tapi apakan dayaku... Engkau maha besar lagi maha mengengetahui..
Kepada sahabat-sahabat Amirul..
Amirul ada berpesan pada Auntie pada malam persemadiaanya..
Dia tak mau ada antara rakan-rakan yang menyalahkan diri..
Yang menyesali apa yang telah terjadi..
Semua ini adalah kehendak Allah.. dia akur dan dia berharap kawan-kawannya tetap akrab macam dulu.. utuhkan silatulrahim walaupu dia dah tak ada...
Allah anakku...
tulus dan jujur hatimu.. walaupun kau dah bersemadi.. nak
Mak bangga sangat dengan keperibadian Amirul...
Tulus dan luhur sangat...
Kalaulah Mirul dapat lihat.. pasti Mirul orang yang paling happy..
Ramainya rakan yang mandikan jenazah mirul
Masing-masing berebut-rebut nak mandikan mirul.. walaupun hanya dapat capai sedikit tubuh mirul pun jadilah...
Ramainya rakan yang sembahyangkan mirul.. mak macam tak percaya mirul punnya rakan yang seramai itu...
Ramainnya yang megiringi mirul ke pusara...
ramainya yang medoakan Mirul..
Amirul.. mak dan ayah tak akan sesekali salahkan rakan-rakan mirul.. usaha mereka membawa mirul ke hospital dan memberitahu mak dah ayah pun mak dah lahirkan rasa syukur sangat..
terima kasih banyak-banyak.. hanya Allah juga yag dapat membalas segala-galanya
Cikgu Yong dan Cikgu Dollah pun datang
Cikgu kelas mirul sekolah rendah pun datang juga mirul..
Kawan-kawan mirul dari selolah rendah sampai sekolah menengah pun datang..
Kawan-kawan dari MRSM pun datang
Malam tu Iman dan Syami pun datang..
Rahul pun datang mirul..
Mirul ingat Shafik tak.. ? Syafik pun datang.. yang mak sedih sangat di datang bawa hadiah perkhawian mirul.. Dia dah beli hadiah tu lama dah.. dia tunggu majlis mirul di JB
Tapi kita tak sempat buat... kini majlis mirul jadi majlis Tahlil....
Kawan-kawan Tampin pun datang..
Kawan-kawan Gemas pun datang..
Kawan dari off Spore pun datang..
Semua nak jumpa mirul buat kali yang terakhir..
Semua sayang Mirul
mak tau anak mak baik sangat...
mak redoh mirul pergi.. kerana Allah lebih sayangkan Mirul..
Kepada saudara mara, sahabat handai, jiran-jiran, rakan sekampung, rakan sepermainan, kami sekeluarga juga mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas kunjunngan dan ziarah kalian semua..
Kalaulah Amirul ada dialah orang yang paling happy sekali..
Walau dalam kesedihan ada juga kemaisan yang tak berpenghujung..
Amirul, atuk ma dan mak cu pun datang tau, alhamdulillah atuk sempat kucup dahi mirul buat kali yang terakhir..
Mak syukur sangat.. orang yang besarkan mirul dari kecil hingga besar semua ada bersama mirul di saat mirul tinggalkan kami.
Mak cik, ayinn.. Noor, nazri pun ada
mak ngah, pak gah, dan nurul pun ada
Cikgu Suhada datang mirul.. bengkak-bengkak mata dia menangis.. dia macam tak percaya mirul dah pergi..
Mak pun tak percaya mirul...
Mak anjang ada
Cik ana pun ada
merekalah yang jaga mirul masa baby dulu..
Alhamdulillah Pak anjang yang imamkan mirul
Pak ngah pun sama uruskan mirul
Alhamdulillah inilah yang mirul inginkan...
Mak long yang bagikan nama Amirul pun datang.. walaupun dia tak sempat lihat mirul
Mak bersyukur sangat , doa mirul dan impian mirul untuk melihat keluarga kita berkumpul menjadi satu keluarga yang besar tercapai..
Ya Allah apa yang ingin kau tujukkan...
Isteri yang mirul cintai pun datang..
Mak tak boleh tengok Airin sedih..
Mak tak boleh tengok Airin nangis..
Mirul janji nak sehidup semati dengan dia..
Tapi kini mirul tinggalkann dia...
Mak akur mirul...
Siapalah kita nak merancang segalanya.. kerana perancangan Allah adalah yang terbaik..
Innsyaallah mak akan jaga harta mirul dunia dan akhirat ini baik-baik...
Mak ayah Airin pun datang..
Adik-adik dia pun datang..
Saudara mara dia pun datang..
Ya Allah... terharu mak Mirul
Mak harap sangat Airin kuat..
Walaupun mak sendiri tak kuat Mirul..
Kepada semua , kak ita dan keluarga dengan rasa rendah diri mohon sekirannya Amirul ada buat salah, ada lukakan hati,
ada menghiriskan hati..
Maafkanlah dia..
Ampukanlah segala dosanya
halalkann segala makan dan minumnya
Sekiranya Amirul ada berhutang atau ada barang yang dia terambil, boleh hubungi ita atau suami
Doakan Amirul..
Di ampukan segala dosanya
Di lapanngkan kuburnya
Di lepaskan ia dari seksa kubur
Di lepaskan ia dari fitnah kubur
Di tempatkan ia di surga yang terindah milik Allah bersama orang yang beriman, orang yang beramal solleh, para suhada, para anbia dan kekasih-kekasih Allah
Al Fatihah
Muhammad Amirul Ashraf Bin Salki
Salam takziah semoga ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang yang beriman..
Arwah sakit apa kak?
Salam Takziah buat akak sekeluarga.. semoga Mirul ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman..
Allah.. sedih saya membacanya...
Salam takziah kak..
Semoga Kak Ita & keluarga serta isteri arwah terus kuat dan tabah..
Maaf ya saya bertanya, arwah meninggal sebab apa ya?
Innalillahiwainna ilaihirojiunnn…
saya juga masih tak percaya hingga sekarang..
Semoga Allah tempatkan amirul dalam kalangan orang2 beriman
Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun...berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Salam takziah buat kak Ita dan keluarga, moga arwah Amirul ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang soleh dan beriman. Moga kak Ita kuat dan tabah hadapi ujian ini...
Semoga roh Amirul ditempatkan bersama para solihin. Aaminn. ALFATIHAH
innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.. salam takziah buat kak ita sekeluarga.. semoga tabah dan kuat menghadapi ujian Allah.. 😭
Takziah buat Ita sekeluarga. Semoga tabah menghadapi ujian ini.
Sangat terharu dan sedih membaca nukilan ita..Amirul memang anak yg baik semiga Amirul ditempatkan dikalangan org yg beriman..aamin
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat
innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.. salam takziah buat kak ita sekeluarga.. semoga tabah dan kuat menghadapi ujian Allah..
Sedihnya membaca dari mula akhir..
Moga diberikan kekuatan pada ibuayahnya, isterinya dan semua yang menyayanginya...
Amin2.. Moga ditempatkan bersama org2 yang beriman..
Setiap kali baca entry Ita mesti menangis.....Semoga Ita dan family tabah dgn dugaan ini...Syurga buat Amirul anak yg baik & taat...Aamiin
Salam takziah buat kak ita sekeluarga..terpana seketika bile bace kwn2 mirul dari tampin dan gemas..kedua2 itu kampung asal saye,kak...arwah bekerja di n9 ke,kak..?
Moga arwah tenang di sana dan ditempatkan dikalangan hamba yang soleh.
innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.. salam takziah buat kak ita sekeluarga.. semoga tabah dan kuat menghadapi ujian Allah
Ya Allah..sayunya rasa hati sebak sangat saya sampai menitis airmata. Moga arwahnya ditempatkan bersama golongan beriman. Allah sangat sayangkan Amirul. Aunty doakan Airin juga tabah menghadapi perkara ini. Moga Kak Ita dan keluaraga sentiasa sabar...perkara ini membuatkan saya teringat arwah adik saya Ahmad Rahmad Mohd Sidek yang meninggal pada tahun 1994, tahun kelahiran Amirul..Al fatihah untuk kedua arwah
Salam takziah sis.
Semoga roh arwah ditempatkan dikalangan org2 mukmin.
Al Fatihah.
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihiroji'un.
Salam takziah untuk Ita dan seisi keluarga. Moga Allah tempatkan arwah Amirul bersama golongan mereka yang beriman. Aamiin.
Baru tahu fasal ni. Moga Ita terus kuat dan tabah.
Innalillahiwainnailaihiroji'un...salam takziah buat Puan sekeluarga. Semoga Allah tempatkan Arwah Amirul bersama golongan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh. Aamiin. Semoga Puan sekeluarga tabah..
Inalillahiwainnailaihiroji'un...salam takziah buat Puan sekeluarga. Semoga Allah tempatkan Arwah Amirul bersama golongan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh. Aamiin. Semoga Puan sekeluarga tabah..
Inalillahiwainnailaihiroji'un...salam takziah buat Puan sekeluarga. Semoga Allah tempatkan Arwah Amirul bersama golongan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh. Aamiin. Semoga Puan sekeluarga tabah..
Inalillahiwainnailaihiroji'un...salam takziah buat Puan sekeluarga. Semoga Allah tempatkan Arwah Amirul bersama golongan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh. Aamiin. Semoga Puan sekeluarga tabah..
Adakah anda ingin membuat di atas Rm5500 sehari? .. Adakah anda bosan mendapatkan sedikit pendapatan? Adakah anda mempunyai semua yang diperlukan untuk membuat seorang wanita gembira di atas katil? ... di sini adalah satu-satunya peluang untuk menjadi kaya dan membuat wang sejuk dengan salah satu mumia gula terkaya di Malaysia whatsapp (+60109707274) dan dapatkan segera. kami mempunyai gula mumi yang berbeza dari semua kelas yang bersedia untuk membayar sebanyak Rm5500 setiap malam yang anda perlu lakukan adalah melakukan hubungan seks dengan wanita itu secara romantis secara romantis di atas katil dan dibayar untuk perkhidmatan anda kami menawarkan gula mumia / ayah / gay / lesbian di seluruh Malaysia.These wanita mereka bercerai dan wanita tunggal tidak ada risiko melibatkan kami perkhidmatan perpautan dan jangka panjang istilah hookup.applicant boleh membuat lebih dari Rm12,000 Sebulan. mumia gula dan ayah telah mengubah kehidupan ramai budak lelaki dan perempuan di Malaysia mumia membayar anda RM5500 setiap kali anda bertemu dengan usaha kami yang bersekongkol dalam 100% risiko bebas undang-undang. kami adalah salah satu agensi sah yang sah di Malaysia untuk apa-apa kaitan dengan segera (+60109707274) Ms alt dan terhubung .. katakan tidak kepada kemiskinan dan menjadi bos anda sendiri.
My deepest most heartfelt condolences to you
Good day Azalita
I am in deep sadness reading your blog on the passing of your son!
My deepest condolences to you and your family
I was searching for a great curry noodle recipe and there ...
There is no time limit for grieving and I hope you are at a better position now.
May He rest in peace
Allah... salam takziah buat kak Ita. saya selalu ke blog akak utk tengok resipi masakan Melayu, tak sangka akak sekeluarga sdg diuji. Harap akak diberi kesabaran dan semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat.
Asalam..doakan setiap masa untuk yang danh pergi tinggalkan dunia.Alfatihah buat amirul
salam takziah untuk sis azlita sekeluarga ...saya tumpang berdukacita membaca mengenai kehilangan yang besar ini ... semoga sis tabah dan kuat menghadapi dugaan ini ....doa saya semoga Allah swt cucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham Amirul dan tempatkannya bersama para solehin...aminn. AlFatihah!
Am so sorry for your loss. May your son rest in peace. I found a recipe under your blog for lunch today and it came out really nicely. I wanted to know who you were and found your recent blog on the passing of your son. I am so sorry, I hope you and your family are doing better now. A big hug to you.
Salam kak ita... takziah buat puan sekeluarga.. amirul dpt melihat sme yg hadir.. rohnya Allah hantar untuk melihat semua sehingga liang lahad.. dia bahagia krn dpt melihat semua tetamu yg hdr buat kali terakhir. Itu yg sy pernah dgr ustaz kata.. maka tenang lah juga kak ita sekeluarga krn pasti dia anak syurga.. Ameennn.. Al-Fatihah
Salam takziah kak ita wlupun dh lama. Br terbaca entry ni. Sly jengah blog kak ita. Ni baru perasan. Smg arwah ditptkan bersama hambaNya yg bertqwa. Arwah org hebat. Semua org sygkannya. Allah pun sygkannya..
Semoga kak tabah dan moga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama para solihin.. Kebetulan kak,nama kita sama dan anak saya juga nama amirul..
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Salam takziah acik. Sy follow blog acik sejak sklh menengah lagi. Terkejut bila tengok kat post ig, anak sulung acik pulang ke alam abadi. Semoga diberi kekuatan acik sekeluarga.
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Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
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Nama saya Merissa, seorang ibu kepada dua anak saya dari Malaysia dan saya telah berada di Malaysia selama bertahun-tahun dan sehingga saat ini kesaksian ini saya masih berada di Malaysia. Salah satu masalah utama yang pernah saya hadapi dengan perniagaan saya ialah masalah kewangan dan pembiayaan semula dan ini menyebabkan saya mencari pinjaman dan akibatnya saya menjadi mangsa 2 pemberi pinjaman fiktif dan ini sebenarnya membuat saya trauma sampai tahap tertentu tetapi saya tidak pernah putus asa sehingga saya melalui blog dan juga media lain saya mempunyai peluang untuk menemui [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] pada awalnya saya berasa takut dan sangat skeptikal mengenainya, tetapi saya harus mengambil risiko satu kali yang akhirnya membawa kepada kebebasan kewangan saya. Saya benar-benar memohon pinjaman sebanyak [RM 450K] dalam masa 24 jam proses pembayaran berjaya dilakukan. Keseluruhan proses ini boleh dipercayai dengan jujur dan boleh dipercayai, jadi jangan takut dengan pinjaman dalam talian hubungi [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] untuk mendapatkan pinjaman yang boleh dipercayai @ kadar faedah yang sangat rendah Anda boleh menghubungi mereka melalui alamat e-mel di bawah::
Atau jika anda ingin membuat lebih banyak pertanyaan, anda juga boleh menghubungi saya melalui e-mel ini: [merissaahmed11@gmail.com]
Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]
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Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
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We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
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The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/601131427456
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/601131427456
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾. I
Malaysia mummy hookup connection available. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +601131427456 . Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.
The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/601131427456
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need sex satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456 SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601131427456
BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link
if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456
Malaysia mummy hookup connection available WhatsApp us +60108921050. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +60108921050. Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers. 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾💯💯💯💯.
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: Malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050.
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: Malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050.,,,
Nama saya Sri Muji Astuti. Saya seorang pemilik bisnis yang menjual kosmetik dan pakaian. Untuk sementara, saya telah mencari pemberi pinjaman pinjaman yang dapat saya pinjam untuk menumbuhkan bisnis saya dan juga menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi orang lain. Pengalaman pertama saya dengan pemberi pinjaman internet sangat buruk dan saya kehilangan jumlah 24 juta karena saya mengajukan 800 juta untuk meningkatkan bisnis saya. Setelah pengalaman saya, saya berjanji pada diri sendiri bahwa saya tidak akan pernah meminjam dari internet karena saya ditipu.
Jadi, suatu hari saya dengan setia membaca artikel di blog dan setelah saya selesai membaca, saya pergi untuk memeriksa bagian komentar untuk mengetahui pendapat mereka. Saya melihat komentar oleh Yeyes Ristintares, seorang wanita bisnis besar dan dia berbagi cerita tentang bagaimana dia meminjam pinjaman besar dari perusahaan tempat Ms. Helen Wilson bekerja.
Kemudian, saya memutuskan untuk menghubungi Yeyes Ristintares dan saya menceritakan kisah saya kepadanya tentang bagaimana saya kehilangan 24 juta dari pemberi pinjaman yang buruk. Saya masih ingat dengan jelas bagaimana dia memberi tahu saya bahwa semua pencarian saya untuk pemberi pinjaman yang andal sudah berakhir. Dia mengirimi saya emailnya dan saya mengiriminya email untuk memastikan karena saya tidak ingin kehilangan uang lagi. dia membalas saya dan mengatakan saya harus menghubungi perincian perusahaan tempat Ny. Helen Wilson bekerja dan saya akan menerima pinjaman saya tanpa penundaan dan saya harus mencoba untuk membagikan kabar baik saya sehingga orang lain selamat dari pemberi pinjaman yang buruk.
Jadi saya menghubungi Ny. Helen Wilson melalui email: (helenwilson719@gmail.com) dan dengan nomor WA-nya: +1-585-326-2165. Ini adalah email Yeyes Ristintares: (yristintares@gmail.com) yang saya hubungi.
Setelah saya menghubungi perusahaan pinjaman, saya diminta untuk menyerahkan segala sesuatu yang diminta dari saya sebagai peminjam dan setelah beberapa saat, pinjaman itu disetujui untuk saya dan saya menerima pinjaman saya tanpa penundaan atau segala bentuk tekanan.
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BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link
if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60162906469 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +60162906469 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp+60162906469 for urgent hook up…

Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday. We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60162906469 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services whats-app No: +60162906469 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE whatsapp +60162906469 for urgent hook up...
The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/60162906469
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP+60162906469 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
MALAYSIA SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP ORGANISATION. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteedcontact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +60162906469 you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality.
A night with your mummy is RM8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA WHATSAPP : +60162906469
Click the link below to message agent FATIMA on WhatsApp
Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp +601117597269
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now +601117597269
BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link
if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601117597269 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services whats-app No: +601117597269 payment from RM8,000 PER-NIGHT for urgent hook up...
for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601117597269 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality.
A night with your mummy is RM8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA WHATSAPP : +601117597269
MALAYSIA SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP ORGANISATION. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteedcontact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601117597269 you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
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Click on the link below to message agent FATIMA on WhatsApp
Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday. We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601117597269 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services whats-app No: +601117597269 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE whatsapp +601117597269 for urgent hook up...
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Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: Malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050......
The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/601117597269
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601117597269 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: Malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050.
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BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link
if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601117597269 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601117597269 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp+601117597269 for urgent hook up…

Sugar mummy pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. Sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need urgent hookup
Sugar mummy need urgent hookup and secret relationship.
We are the best, reliable, trusted, guaranteed, legit sugar mummy hookup organisation.
🇲🇾🇮🇩Hookup hookup with sugar mummy and daddy in malaysia and Singapore 🇲🇾🇮🇩 contact our genuine agent fatima on WhatsApp +601117597269
Johor bahru, kedah, puchong , ipoh , perak, sepang, Kuala Lumpur, cheras, kalang and Singapore
We do not connect stupid people here.
We do not connect people living in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh here.
We do not connect 21 years and below here
Malaysia mummy hookup connection available WhatsApp us +60173385926. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp .+60173385926 Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.
Malaysia mummy hookup connection available WhatsApp us +60173385926. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +60173385926. Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality.
A night with your mummy is RM8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA WHATSAPP : +601117597269
Hello my friends, this my testimony my name is mr Umar am from Malaysia and am 30 years old this month i have be calling so many agent to hook me up with a rich sugar mummy after sending them money they we not give me any sugar mummy but last week i saw mrs Zaafirah post on facebook and mrs Zaafirah number +60 173385926 and i whatsapp her and told her the problem i been through how fake agent scam me about 30,000rm she feel so sorry for me and tell me everything on how am going to get a rich sugar mummy and she also tell me what on what to do and i do it. Could you believe me that after my registration i meant with my mummy? It was a dream come true (mrs Zaafirah gave me my mummy contact and i call the sugar mummy and the sugar mummy told me were to meet her and i went to the place truly i saw her and i was very happy when i meet her i tell her that i don’t have money to pay my school fees my house rent because i lost so much money before and she took me to the bank and gave me 19,000 to cover my expensive instead of 4000rm we agreed on today am a very happy man and i have the money to do any thing i like now am a rich man, please my friends help me to thank mrs Zaafirah for what she have done in my life, i use this opportunity to tell every one searching for a sugar mummy in Maaysia and singapore if you need a rich sugar mummy whatsapp +60173385926 mrs Zaafirah she is the only one who can give you a real sugar mummy that we make you happy whatsapp him via same number please also share this to avoid scam by other fake agency The hookup the only money i pay to hookup is just 1210rm no hiden fee
The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/601117597269
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601117597269 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
Click on the link below to message agent FATIMA on WhatsApp
Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday. We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60142372678 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services whats-app No: +601174949010 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE whatsapp +60142372678 for urgent hook up...
Malaysia mummy hookup connection available WhatsApp us +601151599050. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp .+601151599050 Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers. 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾💯💯💯💯.
The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp wa.me/60167520809
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +60167520809 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now
Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan
rich, beautiful and single sugar mummy need urgent hookup connection and pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday.
We only connect serious people living in Malaysia and Singapore. We connect 23 years and above only here contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601173300954 if you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy.
We do not connect stupid people here. We do not connect people living in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh.
Trusted Malaysia Sugar Mummy Pay You RM8,000. Contact Agent Nurul On WhatsApp +60163397938
GOVERNMENT APPROVED AGENCY SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP ORGANISATION. Click the link below to message agent Nurul on WhatsApp Wa.me+60163397938 Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Nurul on whatsapp +60163397938 We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women. We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia, who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Nurul now +60163397938 TRUSTED MALAYSIA SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP ORGANISATION. Agent Nurul on whatsapp +60163397938 We have beautiful, rich and single sugar mummy that need secret relationship and pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This connection is only for 18 years old and above men. We do not connect stupid people here. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy kindly contact our genuine agent Nurul on WhatsApp +60163397938
This legit and trusted Sugar mummy organization, our mummy is ready to pay you RM,5000 per hookup everyday. we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteedcontact Mrs agent nurul now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +60182015712 you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
message mrs nurul on watsapp +60182015712
now to register and get hookup immediately..
Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +60139873279 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: Malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp :+60139873279.
Malaysia mummy hookup connection available WhatsApp us +60145397129. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +60145397129. Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.
Good Information:
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +60139873279 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +601139628846 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
WhatsApp+601121042672 For sugar mummy and sugar daddy
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +601121042672 or EMAIL: malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm10,000-Rm20,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: Malaysiasugarmummyhookupagency@gmail.com for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp :+601121042672
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